SENCO: Mrs Kaly Phelan 

SEN Local Offer

At Selly Park we ensure that all pupils experience a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum that is fully inclusive and addresses all pupils' needs. Through the spiral approach to the curriculum our overarching goal is to enable our girls to reach their full potential and become confident and resilient individuals.

Inclusion and Disability

At Selly Park we strive to ensure the provision is outstanding for all pupils. this means we will endeavour to meet the needs of individual pupils to create opportunities that allows all pupils grow and flourish. For example, pupils with physical needs have adaptations made to the curriculum and wider curriculum to ensure they have the same opportunities as their peers. We adhere to the Equality Act of 2010.

Adaptations to Provision

We adapt our facilities, environment, routines and provision to suit the needs of all learners. This can include the following;

• Early exit passes to avoid busy periods in school

• School lockers issued to ensure heavy bags and equipment don’t have to be kept in school

• Specialist seats and desks that mean pupils can be comfortable and well supported in lessons.

• The use of radio aids so all pupils with hearing loss can access the learning.

• Larger print or use of coloured overlays and paper for pupils with visual impairments.

How we identify and assess pupils with Special educational needs?

At Selly Park we use the graduated approach of assess, plan, do and review. Using information from feeder primaries, KS2 data, assessments, teacher judgements, pupil and parent voice; we build a clear picture of need about our pupils.

For pupils who fall behind their peers or appear to not be making expected progress, are placed on the assess, plan, do and review cycle. This is done through a ‘person centred’ approach and all people involved in the pupil’s education are consulted and their views valued. The information gathered can include:

1) KS2 Data, prior school reports

2) Parent and pupil voice and concerns

3) Class / subject teacher concerns and judgements

4) Termly data from teacher and formal assessments

5) Observations of pupil in classroom

6) Discussion with pupil and parents

7) More specialist assessment of the area of need e.g. speech and language, reading, spelling, phonics etc.

Steps will then be taken to support the pupil more fully in class (high quality teaching). After sufficient time has passed, further assessments will be carried out. If progress has been made, a decision is then made whether to continue the extra support or cease. If progress is not made, then further investigation is undertaken, and outside agency views and support may be sought. Pupils and parents are the heart of this entire process.

How we support our pupils

We have a variety of waves of support, but above all we strive to tailor our provision and ensure that our pupils have the best possible outcomes. Some examples of support include:

SEND Progress at Selly Park

We pride ourselves on the outstanding progress our SEND pupils make at Selly Park. It is way above national average and we were presented with the SEND Exceptional Outcomes award in 2019. Our SEND pupils are assessed along with their peers and data is monitored and shared with key staff. We also ensure that from year 9 onwards pupils are assessed with regards to access arrangements. Specialist assessors come into school and test the girls to see whether they qualify for a reader, scribe or extra time in their exams – this then becomes their ‘normal way of working’ going forward.

All interventions that take place for SEND pupils are closely monitored and pre and post assessments are carried out. This allows us to keep moving forward on the spiral of the graduated approach. The interventions and provision is recorded on Provision Map where we can see the real impact of the support the girls receive.

Sharing SEND information in school

Every pupil who is identified as having a special need has a pupil passport. This is completed with pupils and parents, teachers, specialist agencies and anyone else involved in the education and care of the pupil. We work from the point of view of what the pupil does well, their aspirations and then put together a toolkit of how they can be supported in class.

When pupils need further assessment or the help from an outside agency, these girls are then given a SEND support plan. This is more detailed and has specific targets that teachers work towards across a term. All of this is shared on our internal platform ‘Class Charts’. These targets are closely monitored and reviewed, which then feeds into the graduated approach.

Staff at Selly Park

All staff undertake regular professional training to help them support our SEND pupils. The training is delivered ‘in-house’ by experienced teachers, including the SENCO. Outside agencies are also called upon to ensure best practice for our girls. Examples of training include:

Curriculum There is an ‘open door’ policy where staff can speak to the SEND team and the SENCO to seek advice at any point. This door is also open to parents and pupils. Other specialist support and training available to staff comes from:

• Forward Thinking Birmingham

• Paediatricians

• Social services

• Careers.

• Community nurses

• Occupational Therapy

• Physical Disabilities Support Service

• Social Care services

• Health services

Involving Pupils in their Education

Selly Park likes to ensure that parental and pupil engagement is at the heart of our provision. We have regular meetings with parents with regards to pupil progress and if a pupil has SEND then more regular updates and reviews are held. During parents’ evenings and pupil progress meetings, the SEND team are always available to speak about specific provision, progress and support the pupil is receiving followed by any next steps.

We also hold SEND coffee mornings, year 7 SEND workshops and careers guidance particularly for SEND pupils and their families.

Wider learning and Character Education for SEND pupils

We have fantastic links with The Birmingham Hippodrome and many SEND pupils are encouraged to get involved in these ‘once in a life time’ opportunities. We have had girls working with professional actors, dancers and directors and they have also performed on the Hippodrome mainstage.

Many of our student leaders are on the SEND register. They are Reading Ambassadors, Rights Respecting Ambassadors, Learning Mentors, International School Ambassadors etc. This is a great opportunity for them to develop skills that will be vital for them once they leave Selly Park. This includes communication, collaboration, leadership, managing others and simply being allowed to have a voice in the decisions taken by the school community.

SEND pupils are encouraged to participate in all extra curricular activities including, Sports, Music, Art and Drama clubs. They will also participate in the Selly Park 7 Character Education and Cultural Capital experiences and trips.

Year 6 -7 Transition

We take transition very seriously at Selly Park. We employ a transition teacher who is an experienced primary practitioner to support our transition process.

Before entry, we visit every pupil who will be joining us. This takes place at their feeder primary/ Here we find out about them and meet with their teachers. If the child is identified as having SEND or an EHCP we also like to meet with the parents at this meeting.

We hold an induction day in June, where year 6 pupils take part in several exciting opportunities, often connected to our international school links. We also take this as an opportunity to carry out some testing in preparation for September. 

We then offer our pupils a place at our thriving Summer School. This is a chance for them to settle into school before we officially begin. They can make new friends, learn new skills and be part of something that will give them confidence and immense enjoyment.

Any in year SEND admissions are taken on an individual basis. All pupils joining will have transition support to the school life at Selly Park and will participate in a transition program with the Inclusion Manager.


We assess new pupils in the following ways.

1) Reading age

2) Speech and Language

3) Mathematical Fluency

4) Written work

This allows our SEND and EAL teams to really understand the needs of new pupils immediately and be able to tailor provision from day one.

Ongoing Support for new pupils

We have several strategies to support our girls as they settle into school life. We know some pupils can find it more of a challenge and we do everything we can to make sure this journey is a smooth one. ‘Big sister, Little sister’ is where a year 8 pupil buddies up with a year 7 – they show them around school, answer their questions and help them in unstructured times, like dinner time and break times. We also run nurture groups and social and emotional drop ins with highly trained staff. Parents are constantly informed and kept ‘in the loop’ to ensure we are all working together.

Post 16 SEND support

At Selly Park we pride ourselves on how well we deliver the Gatsby Benchmarks and we go above and beyond these for our pupils with special needs. We tailor the support for these girls and offer interview rehearsal, personal presentation guidance, CV writing, careers advice and coffee mornings with parents to help them find the best career pathway.

We also help them find relevant work experience and visit sixth forms and colleges with them. This does not end when they leave us and we continue to remain in contact and visit them at their colleges once they begin.

We will support the pupils when moving between phases of education and in preparing for adulthood. As young people prepare for adulthood we encourage their outcomes to reflect their ambitions, which could include higher education, employment, independent living and participation in society.

EHCP Plans

Pupils who already have an Education and Health Care plan:

Provision for the pupils who already have an EHC plan will be in accordance with what is laid out on the statutory document. The needs of new admissions with an EHC plan are discussed between the SENCO, SEN Governor and Headteacher to discuss how needs can be met for the pupil before they join the school. Pupils and their parents are invited to visit the school to discuss the provision and transition plan before they join the school. In rare instances we may conclude that we are unable to meet the needs of a pupil and follow the set procedure in liaising with SENAR in these instances.

EHC plans are reviewed annually with the outside agencies that are involved using the person-centred approach. For students transitioning between Key stages this will take the form of a ‘Pathway’ where career and future aspirations will also be considered within the provision. Pupils will also have two other less formal reviews during the year to discuss targets and ensure that provision is working. For admission arrangements please see SEND policy.

Applying for a new Education and Health Care plan:

If the SENCO, parents and outside agencies agree that the pupil is not making progress despite a high level of targeted and personalised support, it may be appropriate to apply for an Education and Health Care (EHC) plan. Selly Park follows the procedures and guidelines laid out on the Birmingham MyCare website when undergoing this assessment and is guided by SENAR and the educational psychologist in the process.

For the SEND local offer please visit:

If you have concerns or worries relating to SEND

In the first instance please contact Mrs Kaly Phelan, the SENCO. She will happily support you, meet you and do all she can to ensure your daughter is receiving the best support she can. If you feel you would like to discuss matters further then Mrs Darwood, the Headteacher would be happy to listen and support you and your family.

If you still feel a solution has not been reached, then contacting the chair of governors via the school office.

Working with together

Mrs Phelan will always consult parents/carer's and young people in their SEND journey and involve them in their education. You will always be involved on knowing a young person's outcomes and how they can progress towards these.

Informing the Governing Body about SEND provision

The SENCO provides an annual report to Governors and will meet with the designated link governor to go through the report. The Governing Body are made aware of all external agencies involved in provision in school, along with what they do and are also aware of support available across Birmingham.

Birmingham Local Offer

The Birmingham Local Offer website includes information about the wide range of services that are available to support all areas of a child’s life (0-25 years) especially those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood. 

Pastoral and Inclusion support

The Inclusion team here at Selly Park is excellent, comprising of a Pastoral team, Inclusion manager, SENDCO and learning mentors. the work they do improves the safeguarding and wellbeing of pupils, supporting them in improving their social and emotional development. Working together and listening to the pupil's views help better the pupils social and emotional well-being.

SEND Information Report

SEND Policy 

Accessibility Policy



Selly Park Girls' School

5 Selly Park Road


B29 7PH

Tel: 0121 472 1238



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